Report Card / Student Name:

Skill Checks

  • The Tower, The Devil, Death: Critical Failure, always fails.
  • The Player's Major Arcana: Critical Success, always succeeds.
  • The Fool, The World, The Sun: Critical Success, always succeeds.
  • Wheel of Fortune: Draw another card.
    • 10-K or Major Arcana: Critical Success
    • Otherwise: Critical Failure
  • Ace to Five: Can pass a trivial check, otherwise fails
  • Six to Nine: Can pass an easy or trivial check, otherwise fails
  • Ten to King: Can pass a medium, easy, or trivial check, otherwise fails
  • Major Arcana: Can pass a hard, medium, easy, or trivial check, otherwise fails

Bonus / Penalty

  • bonus on a skill check: draw an additional card and choose the best one.
  • penalty on a skill check: draw an additional card and choose the worst one.

Corruption Retry

Take a corruption point to retry a failed skill check: this time, one step easier.


Strong characters deal extra combat damage.


Weak characters deal less combat damage.


Fast characters move and block more easily in combat.


Slow characters move more slowly and block less effectively in combat.


Clever characters have more effective magic.


Dull characters cannot learn or use magic spells.


Wise characters draw more cards.


Foolish characters gain the Honk ability, costing them cards in combat.


When choosing Lucky, remove all aces and twos from your deck.


When choosing Unlucky, remove all kings and queens from your deck.


Charming characters accumulate less corruption, through the power of friendship.


Strange characters cannot use friendship.


← At character creation, gain an ability as well as a weakness.

→ At character creation, gain a skill and cross out a skill.

Skill Corruption

When all circles are filled, gain a skill and cross out a skill.

Magic Corruption

When all circles are filled, gain a magic spell if not Dull.


Empathy, Perception, & Danger Sense


Disguise, Forgery & Performance


Computers, Chemistry, Biology, Physics & Mathematics


Stealth, Sleight of Hand, & Breaking & Entering


Movement, Sport & Dance


First Aid, Exploration & Survival


Mechanical, Constructive & Culinary


Bureaucracy, Legal & Investigative


Everything not otherwise covered

Eddy Name:

Skill Checks

  • The Tower, The Devil, Death: Critical Failure, always fails.
  • The Player's Major Arcana: Critical Success, always succeeds.
  • The Fool, The World, The Sun: Critical Success, always succeeds.
  • Wheel of Fortune: Draw another card.
    • 10-K or Major Arcana: Critical Success
    • Otherwise: Critical Failure
  • Ace to Five: Can pass a trivial check, otherwise fails
  • Six to Nine: Can pass an easy or trivial check, otherwise fails
  • Ten to King: Can pass a medium, easy, or trivial check, otherwise fails
  • Major Arcana: Can pass a hard, medium, easy, or trivial check, otherwise fails

Bonus / Penalty

  • bonus on a skill check: draw an additional card and choose the best one.
  • penalty on a skill check: draw an additional card and choose the worst one.

Corruption Retry

Take a corruption point to retry a failed skill check: this time, one step easier.


  • Any Card
    • Move one Zone.
  • Cups/Pentacles
    • Gain 2 shields OR
    • Give another player in the same Zone 2 shields.
  • Swords/Wands
    • Deal 2 melee damage.
  • Any Major Arcana
    • Deal 1 melee damage to an Adversary in the same Zone.
    • Give another player in the same Zone 1 Shield.
  • The Chariot
    • Move to any position on the map.
  • The Empress/The Emperor
    • Restore 2 Hit Points to a player in the same Zone.
  • The Fool
    • Choose any Eddy ability, except for The Sun. Use that ability.
  • The Hanged Man
    • Choose an Adversary in the same Zone. They cannot Move this turn.
  • The Hierophant
    • Choose a player. They may draw an extra card.
  • The High Priestess
    • Flip any face-down card on the table face-up.
  • The Sun
    • Move to any position on the map.
    • Deal 2 melee damage.
    • Give a player in the same zone 2 shields.
    • Flip any face-down card on the table, including the top card of any player's deck. Everyone can play with that card visible.
    • Choose a player: they may draw an extra card.
    • Choose an Adversary in the same Zone: they cannot move this turn.
  • The Tower
    • If The Tower is drawn, The Tower must be played.
    • Explode, dealing 5 Magic Ranged Damage to everyone, Friend or Foe, in the same Zone.
    • Take 20 hit points of damage.
  • Wheel of Fortune
    • Draw and discard a card.
      • If it was a Major Arcana, trigger The Tower.
      • If it was any other card, trigger The Sun.
  • Eddies are little semi-autonomous, remote-controlled robots that pepper the station, doing their best to help wherever they can.

    Eddies can not operate outside of the station: their bodies are remote controlled and actually fairly disposable - which is good, because the station is dangerous and Eddies are not terribly smart.

    Combat Turn:

    • Draw 3 cards. Play 2 cards.


    → Choose one skill. It's the only skill you can use!


    Empathy, Perception, & Danger Sense


    Disguise, Forgery & Performance


    Computers, Chemistry, Biology, Physics & Mathematics


    Stealth, Sleight of Hand, & Breaking & Entering


    Movement, Sport & Dance


    First Aid, Exploration & Survival


    Mechanical, Constructive & Culinary


    Bureaucracy, Legal & Investigative


    Everything not otherwise covered

    Unarmed Strike

    You don't need a weapon to be dangerous. Hit them! Hit them hard!

    • Place Wands or Swords on Unarmed Strike.
    • Cards sitting on Unarmed Strike remain there.
    • When the sum of the numerical values on the cards reaches (or exceeds) 10, discard all cards on Unarmed Strike and
      • deal 5 (Strong: 7 / Weak: 3) Damage or
      • deal 2 (Strong: 3 / Weak: 1) Ranged Damage.
    Strong / Weak
    Fast / Slow

    Run Away

    You're not a coward, you're just... tactical. Tactically shitting yourself.

    • Place any card on Run Away.
    • Once a card has been placed on Run Away, the next card must either be one higher than the highest card on Run Away, or one lower than the lowest card on Run Away.
    • When there are 3 cards (Fast: 2, Slow: 4) on Run Away:
      • Move yourself to any unoccupied Zone in the current Room or
      • Remove yourself from battle entirely. Your participation in this combat is over! The GM decides where you are hiding.
    • Then: discard all cards on Run Away.


    Dodge, or brace yourself for the impact. Either way, you're ready.

    • Place Cups or Pentacles on Defend.
    • When the sum of the numerical values on the cards reaches (or exceeds) 10, discard all cards on Defend and
      • generate 5 (Fast: 7 / Slow: 3) Shield.
    Fast / Slow



    • Players with Foolish must use Honk, once per turn.
    • Any player can use Honk.
    • Play any card on Honk, then discard it.
    Fast / Slow

    Movement / Skill

    I, too, like to move it move it.

    • Place any card on Movement / Skill.
    • When there are 2 (Fast: 1, Slow: 3) cards on Movement / Skill:
    • Discard all cards on Movement / Skill and
      • Move 1 Zone or
      • Perform a non-combat action, such as hacking a computer or forcing open a door. (Shuffle your discard pile into your deck, then make a skill check)


    You take a moment to focus: the world slows down around you.

    • Place Major Arcana cards on Concentrate.
    • Cards sitting on Concentrate remain there.
    • When there are 2 (Wise: 1, Foolish: 3) cards on Concentrate:
      • discard all cards on Concentrate and
      • draw a new card
      • if Clever, deal 1 Magic Damage and gain 1 Shield
      • if Charming, you may choose to make an Adversary redraw their Intent
    Wise / Foolish


    You can't help but feel a connection to the people around you.

    • Corruption may be marked on Friendship.
    • At the end of the day, draw 1 (Charming: 2) empty corruption circles on Friendship.
    • Players with Strange may not use Friendship.
    Charming / Strange


    In the heat of battle, you've made a terrible mistake.

    • Any time The Tower is drawn, it must be played immediately and before any other cards: on Catastrophe.
    • The player discards all cards on all of their abilities, including The Tower, then shuffles the discard pile back into their deck and ends their turn.
    • If Lucky, gain 10 Shield.


    • First, draw an Intent for each Adversary.
    • Each player takes a turn. Players can choose which order they take their turns, but Fast players must go first, and Slow players must go last.
    • On each player's turn:
      • They draw 5 cards from their deck, then play the cards in any order.
      • At the end of their turn, any cards left in their hand are Discarded.
    • After all players have taken their turn, each Adversary discards all Shields, then executes and discards their Intent.
    • Discard any Player Shields that were not used.

    Uncanny Resilience

    • Take a corruption point.
    • Draw a card, then gain HP eqivalent to the numerical value of that card.
    • This can heal you above your maximum HP.

    ♒︎ Aquarius - Heal (Combat)

    The water bearer brings life and healing.

    • Only players with Charming may use or learn Aquarius.
    • Place The Magician on Aquarius.
    • You or one ally in your Zone:
      • Regain all hit points or
      • downgrade a Major Injury to its associated Minor Injury or
      • remove a Minor Injury entirely.
    • If you are Clever, you may target any Ally, regardless of location.
    • Aquarius can not be used more than once per Day.
    • Discard the card played on Aquarius at the end of the turn.
    Magic / Charming

    ♒︎ Aquarius - Heal (Skill)

    • You or an ally may:
      • Downgrade a Major Injury to its associated Minor Injury or
      • remove a Minor Injury entirely.
    • Aquarius's heal effect can not be used more than once per day, in or out of combat.

    ♈︎ Aries - Dodge (Combat)

    The ram is quick and nimble.

    • Place The Magician on Aries.
    • While Aries has a card on it, any shields the player generates are multiplied by 2 (Clever: 3).
    • You may discard the card played on Aries whenever you choose.

    ♈︎ Aries - Agility (Skill)

    • Use Aries to make a Skill check for a skill marked "Fast" as if it were Easy, once per Day.

    ♋︎ Cancer - Shell (Combat)

    The crab is a master of defense.

    • Place The Magician on Cancer.
    • Either:
      • Generate 15 Shields (Clever: 30) or
      • Generate 8 Shields and 8 Shields for all allies in your Zone (Clever: 16 each)
    • Discard the card played on Cancer at the end of the turn.

    ♋︎ Cancer - Bubble (Skill)

    • Use Cancer to spawn a small, hard, magical force-field around you while exploring Paradise Lua, once per Day
    • The bubble lasts for 30 minutes, and holds enough air for all 30 of those minutes.
    • If fall damage were a problem (on the Moon, where gravity is not so harsh a mistress), the bubble would protect you from that, too.

    ♑︎ Capricorn - Capricious (Combat)

    The goat... loves the ladies.

    • Place The Magician on Capricorn.
    • Capricorn can only be played if you have The High Priestess, The Empress, The Lovers, The Devil, Strength, The Star, The World, or any Queen in hand.
    • Either:
      • Deal 40 Magic Ranged Damage (Clever: 80) or
      • Gain 40 Shield (Clever: 80).
    • At the end of the turn, discard all cards placed on Capricorn.

    ♑︎ Capricorn - Loop (Skill)

    • Once per Day, when any player fails a Skill Check, you can use Capricorn to allow them to try again.

    ♊︎ Gemini - Twin (Combat)

    The twins are masters of illusion.

    • Place The Magician on Gemini.
    • Draw 5 Cards (Clever or Wise: 10 Cards)
    • Discard the card played on Gemini at the end of the turn.

    ♊︎ Gemini - Clone (Skill)

    • Once per Day, you can create an illusory, holographic, silent duplicate of yourself.
    • The duplicate cannot interact with, pick up, or touch anything - anything touching the illusory copy will simply go right through.
    • The duplicate lasts for about thirty minutes.

    ♌︎ Leo - Beam (Combat)

    The lion is bright and brave.

    • Place The Magician on Leo.
    • Either:
      • Deal 15 Magic Damage (Clever: 30) or
      • Deal 8 Magic Damage to all Adversaries in your Zone (Clever: 16 each)
    • Discard the card played on Leo at the end of the turn.

    ♌︎ Leo - Light (Skill)

    • As often as you want, you can use Leo to cast a bright light in a 30 foot straight line.
    • Once per Day, you can use Leo to dramatically reduce the weight of an object.

    ♎︎ Libra - Balance (Combat)

    The scales of justice weigh all things.

    • Place The Magician on Libra.
    • While Libra has a card on it, the player generates as much damage and shield as the higher of their damage and shield, each turn.
    • The damage generated by Balace is Magic Damage.
    • (So, for example, if the player generates 3 Damage and 8 Shield, they have instead generated 3 Damage, 5 Magic Damage and 8 Shield)
    • You may choose to discard the card played on Libra at any time.

    ♎︎ Libra - Trade (Skill)

    • Once per Day, you may execute a Swap.
    • Anything that's possible to Swap is fair game, so long as the GM agrees that it is a fair trade.
    • For example: You can Swap your hair color for a different hair color.
    • Or maybe: You can Swap a Spell (even this Spell) for a different Spell.
    • If you Swap something with a player, they must agree to the Swap.

    ? Ophiuchus - What (Combat)

    The serpent-bearer is mysterious and unpredictable.

    • Only players with Lucky may use or learn Ophiuchus.
    • Place The Magician on Ophiuchus.
    • Something magical happens.
    • What is it?
    • You tell me.
    • Propose a small, useful magical effect to the GM.
    • (As a guideline, it should about half as powerful as the other spells.)
    • The GM will decide if it is reasonable.
    • If it is, it happens.
    • Discard the card played on Ophiuchus at the end of the turn.
    Magic / Lucky

    ? Ophiuchus - Improv (Skill)

    • Once per Day, something magical happens.
    • What is it?
    • You tell me.
    • Propose a small, useful magical effect to the GM.
    • The GM will decide if it is reasonable.
    • (As a guideline, it should about half as powerful as the other spells.)
    • If it is, it happens.

    ♓︎ Pisces - Fishing (Combat)

    The fish can be elusive, which is why you need a good hook.

    • Place a Magician on Pisces.
    • Search your deck for a card (Clever: 2 cards), place it in your hand, and then shuffle the deck.
    • You may move any or all Adversaries in the combat to your current Zone.
      • Deal 5 Damage to any Adversary so moved.
      • If they had Flying, they no longer have Flying.
    • At the end of the turn, discard The Magician.

    ♓︎ Pisces - Hook (Skill)

    • Any time you want, throw a spectral grappling hook.
    • This can be used to grab distant things or to set up difficult climbs.

    ♐︎ Sagittarius - Arrow (Combat)

    The archer is unerring.

    • Place The Magician on Sagittarius.
    • Either:
      • Deal 10 Magic Ranged Damage (Clever: 20) or
      • Deal 5 Magic Ranged Damage (Clever: 10) to all Adversaries.
    • At the end of the turn, discard The Magician.

    ♐︎ Sagittarius - Arrow (Skill)

    • Once per day, name a person, object, or concept. A spectral arrow will appear, and to the best of its ability, it will point towards that thing.
    • This arrow is only visible to you, and it only lasts for 30 minutes.

    ♏︎ Scorpio - Venom (Combat)

    The scorpion is insidious.

    • Place The Magician on Scorpio
    • You may choose to discard The Magician from Libra at any time. (It is automatically discarded at end of combat.)
    • While Scorpio has a card on it, the player generates 1 Magic Damage every time they draw a card.

    ♏︎ Scorpio - Puppet (Skill)

    • Once per Day, summon an disembodied spectral hand, controlled by your mind.
    • This hand will stick around for about 30 minutes. It moves about as fast as a regular person would.
    • This hand can lift up to 5lbs.

    ♉︎ Taurus - Rage (Combat)

    The bull is an unstoppable force.

    • Place The Magician on Taurus.
    • While Taurus has a card on it, any non-Magic damage the player generates is multiplied by 2 (Clever: 3).
    • You may discard the card played on Taurus whenever you choose.

    ♉︎ Taurus - Strength (Skill)

    • Use Taurus to make a Skill check for a skill marked "Strong" as if it were Easy, once per Day.

    ♍︎ Virgo - Charm (Combat)

    The maiden is irresistible.

    • Only players with Charming may use or learn Virgo.
    • Place The Magician on Virgo.
    • Choose an Adversary in your Zone:
      • They must discard their current Intent.
      • While a card remains on Virgo, if the Adversary draws a new Intent, and it is not a Sword, discard it.
      • When the Adversary draws a Sword, discard the card used to play Virgo.
      • If you or any ally damages the Adversary, discard the card used to play Virgo.
    • If you are Clever, you may target any Adversary, regardless of location.
    Magic / Charming

    ♍︎ Virgo - Charm (Skill)

    • Once per Day, Charm an intelligent human, creature or system that you encounter.
    • Some creatures may be immune to this effect.
    • This human, creature, or system will be:
      • less inclined to attack your party
      • more inclined to help your party
      • easier to convince
      • harder to anger
      • generally a real sweetie-pie.
    • This effect ends if the target feels seriously threatened, or after 30 minutes.

    The Magician

    A resourceful, powerful schemer, The Magician has brought a binder full of detailed plans that has color-coded tabs for every possible situation and outcome. Sometimes magic is just someone spending more time on something than anybody else might reasonably expect. They're always prepared, and they always have a trick up their sleeve. The Magician gets access to more spells, and more damaging spells, than any other Arcana.

    • The Magician can treat The Fool card as a second The Magician card.
    • The Magician gains the Clever ability.
    • The Magician learns one extra spell at the start of the game.
    • Choose two of the The Magician's Arcana Abilities.

    Skill: This Was All Part of My Plan

    Once per Day, The Magician can have planned ahead, retroactively.

    Planned Ahead, Retroactively?

    • This means that The Magician can declare that they had a plan in place for a situation that has just arisen, and that they have already taken steps to prepare for it.
    • This can include lots of things: having a piece of vital equipment on hand, or having bribed someone in advance.
    • The GM can veto or negotiate this.

    Saw in Half

    For the big finale, you're going to need a volunteer.

    • Take 1 Corruption Point to activate Saw in Half:
      • You may still use Defend and Unarmed Strike while Pull Rabbit Out of Hat is active.

    Corruption Unlock:

    Rabbit Out of a Hat

    A trick isn't that impressive on it's own: line up a few in a row, though, and you've got a show.

    • In order to activate Rabbit Out of a Hat, one card of each suit must be played.
    • The suit of Major Arcana cards is "Major" and also must be included.
    • Cards sitting on Rabbit Out of a Hat remain there.
    • While there are any cards on Rabbit Out of a Hat, you cannot play cards on Unarmed Strike or Defend.
    • When every suit is represented on Rabbit Out of a Hat:
      • Discard the Minor Arcana from Rabbit Out of a Hat.
      • Draw the remaining card from Rabbit Out of a Hat into hand: treat it as a Magician for the remainder of the turn.

    And For My Next Trick

    All of the knowledge in the world is at your fingertips, if you're willing to pay the price.

    • Take 1 Corruption Point to activate And For My Next Trick.
    • When you cast a spell that you have not yet cast this combat:
      • Draw 5 cards.

    Corruption Unlock:


    "I didn't know you knew that one!" "Yeah, I didn't either."

    • Place any Page on Spellbook. Discard it immediately.
    • Choose a spell that nobody has learned. For the rest of combat, you can use this spell as if you had learned it.

    Miser's Dream

    A seemingly endless supply of wealth - of course, it's all an illusion.

    • Any time a card is played on Check Behind Your Ears, you may draw a card.
    • If the card drawn in this way is a Tower, take 1 Corruption Point.

    Corruption Unlock:

    Check Behind Your Ears

    "Where did you get that?"

    • Place any card of suit Pentacles on Check Behind Your Ears and discard it, immediately.
    • Deal 1 Damage to an Adversary in your Zone.
    • The Adversary who is dealt damage by Check Behind Your Ears must redraw their Intent.
    • You gain 1 empty Credit Token (worth: 1 Credit).

    Is This Your Card

    It's just a little sleight of hand.

    • When Three Card Monte's effect triggers:
      • If you guess the card correctly, instead of the normal effects:
      • Keep just the card you guessed correctly, adding it to your hand and treating it as a Magician.
      • Shuffle the other two cards back into your deck.
      • If you guess incorrectly, and any of the three cards are The Tower, take 1 Corruption Point.

    Corruption Unlock:


    Three Card Monte

    Your nimble mind helps you rearrange your thoughts as easily as if they were cards.

    • Place any "3" on Three Card Monte
    • Draw three cards face-down from your deck. Hand them to the GM.
    • The GM will show you one card, then mix it with the other two.
    • (If the card shown is The Tower, trigger Catastrophe)
    • Choose one of the three cards. If it is the card you saw:
      • Keep all three cards. Add them to your hand.
      • Deal 3 Damage.
      • Gain 3 Shield.
    • If it is not the card you saw, return it to the top of your deck.
    • Shuffle the other two cards back into your deck.
    • Discard the 3 from Three Card Monte.

    Magic Wand

    "It's not the wand that's magic - the wand is nothing more than a prop to guide the eyes away from what's really happening. It's the magician who's magic."

    • Place any Wand on Magic Wand.
    • While a Wand is on Magic Wand:
      • All of your cards now count as Wands, as well as their original suit.
      • This includes Major Arcana: A Death, for example, counts as a "13 of Wands".
    • Discard the card on Magic Wand at will.

    Cups and Balls

    No matter how hard they try to hit you, it seems like you're always one step ahead.

    • You may also place a Cup on Magic Wand.
    • While a Cup is on Magic Wand:
      • All of your cards now count as Cups, as well as their original suit.
      • This includes Major Arcana: A Death, for example, counts as a "13 of Cups".

    Corruption Unlock:


    Disappearing Act


    • Place The Moon or The Devil on Disappearing Act.
    • If there is a card on Disappearing Act, the next time you would take damage, instead
      • Discard a card from Disappearing Act.
      • Take no damage
      • Move to any Zone in the current combat.

    Smoke & Mirrors

    One moment you're there, the next you're gone.

    • Take 1 Corruption Point to activate Smoke & Mirrors.
    • While Smoke & Mirrors is active:
      • Any time Disappearing Act would prevent damage, instead deal that damage to the attacker.

    Corruption Unlock:

    The Fool

    Lucky, reckless, unreliable, and full of surprises, The Fool is a wildcard, a class clown, they don't take anything seriously. When luck is on their side - and it is, more often than not - they're unstoppable, but when it's not, they're a disaster waiting to happen.

    • The Fool can treat The Fool card as a true wildcard: any card they choose, in any situation.
    • The Fool gains the Lucky ability.
    • Choose two of The Fool's Arcana Abilities.

    Skill: Deus Ex Machina

    Once per Day, The Fool can request a Deus Ex Machina from the GM: The universe itself intervenes to provide a hint, happy accident, fortuitous coincidence, or other stroke of unexpected luck.


    Nobody finds the violence funny but you.

    • When using Laughter, you may instead:
      • Take 1 Corruption Point
      • Play the Fool, but only one Minor Arcana card on Laughter
      • Remove the Minor Arcana card from your deck permanently.
      • Deal Ranged Magic Damage equal to 10 times the numerical value of the card so-removed.
      • You may not use Slaughter again this Day.

    Corruption Unlock:


    Laughing while you fight is honestly a little unsettling.

    • Place The Fool on Laughter, as well as any other Minor Arcana cards from your hand that you choose
      • Sum the total value of all cards placed on Laughter.
      • Deal Ranged Magic Damage equal to double the sum.
      • Remove all cards on Laughter, except The Fool, from your deck for the remainder of the Day.
    • At the end of the turn, discard The Fool.

    Happy Accident

    It looks like you stumbled, but you're actually dancing.

    • Take 1 Corruption Point to activate Happy Accident.
      • Every other player may use Crisis Averted as if they also had it.

    Corruption Unlock:

    Crisis Averted

    "I don't think of it as a mistake, it's more of a happy accident."

    • In combat, when you draw any card (example: The Tower), instead of doing what you had planned with that card, you may instead take 2HP of damage and shuffle that card back into your deck without triggering any special effect associated with that card.
    • Yes, you can use this to keep Catastrophe from triggering.
    • Yes, you can use this to keep Surprise Twist from giving you Corruption points.
    • No, you can not use this to affect the outcome of an in-combat Skill Check.

    Hit Me

    The fool, like a gong, is more effective when struck.

    • Any time you take Damage, (even if offset with your Shield), you may say "Hit Me" to the GM.
      • Draw a card from the deck.
      • If it's a Minor Arcana, play it face-down on Blackjack.
      • If it's The Tower, take 1 Corruption Point, trigger Catastrophe, and discard all cards on Blackjack.
      • If it's a Major Arcana, discard it without playing it.

    Corruption Unlock:


    It looks like you're biding your time, but you're really just waiting for the right moment to strike.

    • Place Cups or Swords on Blackjack.
    • Cards sitting on Blackjack remain there.
    • When the sum of the numerical values of the cards on Blackjack reaches or exceeds 21:
      • Deal 3 Damage (Strong: 4 Damage, Weak: 2 Damage), plus 1 additional Damage for every face-down card on Blackjack.
      • Gain 3 Shield (Fast: 4 Shields, Slow: 2 Shield), plus 1 additional Shield for every face-down card on Blackjack.
      • Take two of the cards on Blackjack. Play them, face-down, on Blackjack.
      • Discard all remaining cards on Blackjack.
    • At the end of combat, discard all cards on Blackjack.

    No More Mister Knife Guy

    "... Where did you find that knife?"

    • Take 1 Corruption Point to activate No More Mister Knife Guy.
    • When using the Kitchen Sink, you may instead:
      • Place a card on Unlikely Weapon AND Unlikely Helmet
      • Treat the bonuses granted by each as if you were Strong and Fast.
      • Draw 2 cards.

    Corruption Unlock:


    Kitchen Sink

    "That's not a weapon." "It is now."

    • Place The Fool on Kitchen Sink
    • Place any other card on either Unlikely Weapon or Unlikely Helmet
    • At the end of the turn, discard The Fool

    Unlikely Helmet

    A pail, a pot, a bucket, a colander, a sieve, a strainer, a helmet.

    • You cannot play a card on Unlikely Helmet except through the effect of another card.
    • While there is a card on Unlikely Helmet, add 4 (Fast: 5, Slow: 3) to Shield generated by abilities.
    • At the end of combat, discard the card on Unlikely Helmet.

    Unlikely Weapon

    A long wooden spoon, a rolling pin, a broom, a mop, a rake, a shovel, a sword.

    • You cannot play a card on Unlikely Weapon except through the effect of another card.
    • While there is a card on Unlikely Weapon, add 4 (Strong: 5, Weak: 3) to any non-magical Damage generated.
    • At the end of combat, discard the card on Unlikely Weapon.

    Everyone Loves a Parade

    You're being extremely distracting.

    • Place any Minor Arcana on Everyone Loves a Parade.
    • Once a card has been played on Everyone Loves a Parade, the next card must be the same numerical value as the card on Everyone Loves a Parade.
    • When there are 2 cards on Everyone Loves a Parade:
      • every Adversary is forced to redraw the Intent that they would execute this turn.
      • gain 3 Shield.
      • discard all cards on Everyone Loves a Parade.

    You're Driving Me Crazy

    You're such a spectacle that even your foes can't help but watch.

    • Take 1 Corruption Point to activate You're Driving Me Crazy.
    • While You're Driving Me Crazy is active, every time you cause all Adversaries to redraw their Intent, you may also force one Adversary to discard their Intent entirely.
    • An Adversary with no Intent will not perform an action this turn.

    Corruption Unlock:

    Surprise Twist

    Reaching in to your side pockets, you retrieve a random object that will either help or hurt: a very long pistol, a full-sized two-handed hammer, a car, a bomb...

    • While using Throwaway Joke:
      • If the card drawn was The Fool, The Magician, or any Knight or Queen, instead of discarding it you may add it to your hand.
      • If the card drawn was The Chariot, you may move 1 Zone and add it to your hand.
      • If the card drawn was Death, deal 150 Magic Ranged Damage.
      • If the card drawn was the Wheel of Fortune, draw and discard three additional cards and apply the Surprise Twist / Throwaway Joke effects to them, as well.
      • If the card drawn was Judgement, deal 10 Magic Ranged Damage to all Adversaries, and take 1 Corruption Point.
      • If the card drawn was The World, heal every Ally's HP to full and take 1 Corruption Point.
      • If the card drawn was The Tower, trigger Catastrophe and take 1 Corruption Point.

    Corruption Unlock:

    Throwaway Joke

    Reaching into your side pockets, you retrieve a random object that will either help or hurt: a rock, some gum, an old ticket...

    • At the end of your turn, draw and discard the top card of your deck.
      • If it was The Tower, trigger Catastrophe.
      • If it was The Fool or The Magician, return it to the top of the deck.
      • If it was Strength, play it on Unlikely Helmet or Unlikely Weapon.
      • If it was a Major Arcana, nothing happens.
      • If it was a Sword, deal 3 Damage.
      • If it was a Cup, gain 3 Shield.
      • If it was a Wand, deal 1 Ranged Damage.
      • If it was a Pentacle, you and each of your allies gain 1 Shield.

    The High Priestess

    Duality, prophecy, mystery, and the subconscious drive this enigmatic figure, who deals psychic damage and can literally see the future. Blessed with visions and insight, but cryptic, odd, and quiet, the High Priestess can be difficult for their companions to understand, but their actions always become clear - eventually.

    • The High Priestess can treat The Fool card as a High Priestess.
    • The High Priestess gains the Wise ability.
    • The High Priestess only draws 3, rather than 5 cards per combat turn.
    • At the beginning of every combat turn, the High Priestess may look at the top two cards of their deck and may draw either, none, or both of them.
    • Choose two of The High Priestess's Arcana Abilities.

    Skill: Foresight

    • The High Priestess has packed a wide variety of divinatory tools that - unlike for most - actually work.
      • Their Magic 8-Ball is surprisingly accurate.
      • Their Ouija Board can actually be used to communicate with spirits, if they're present.
      • Their Tarot Deck can be used to draw a card that actually represents details about their present or future situation.
      • Their Crystal Ball can show them limited visions of things happening around them or visions of the future.
      • They've a handful of Fortune Cookies which contain actual, useful situation-appropriate advice.
    • In general, the High Priestess can use these tools to gain insight into the future, or to understand the present, but after using any individual tool, it is exhausted for the Day.
    • The High Priestess can either request that the GM provide a result, or, they can provide their own result and ask the GM to make it come true.
    • If the GM can't or won't (sometimes it's just not going to happen): the item is not exhausted for the Day.

    Better Not Tell You Now

    Changing minds. Breaking minds.

    • When the High Priestess is placed on All Signs Point To Yes, you may also take 1 Corruption Point
    • If you do, while the High Priestess is on All Signs Point To Yes:
      • All Adversaries play their Intents face up, even if they would normally be hidden.
      • When an Adversary draws an Intent, instead they draw two: the High Priestess chooses which one they keep.
      • When the High Priestess is discarded from Better Not Tell You Now, deal 3 additional Magic Ranged Damage to every Adversary.

    Corruption Unlock:

    All Signs Point to Yes

    It almost seems like you're in a trance.

    • Place the High Priestess on All Signs Point to Yes
    • While the High Priestess is on All Signs Point to Yes:
      • Twos, Threes, Fours, and Nines can be used on Concentrate.
      • When a Two, Three, Four, or Nine is used on Concentrate, instead of discarding it, place it on All Signs Point to Yes.
    • Discard the High Priestess from All Signs Point to Yes whenever you like.
      • When the High Priestess is discarded from All Signs Point to Yes (even by The Tower),
      • deal 7 Magic Damage to every Adversary in your Zone for each card on All Signs Point to Yes,
      • then discard all cards on All Signs Point to Yes.

    Rolling Bones

    "Let's see what the future holds. Oh... it's bad. It's really bad. You should probably run."

    • Take 1 Corruption Point to activate Rolling Bones.
    • Every time you use Concentrate:
      • Deal 3 Magic Damage.

    Corruption Unlock:

    Origami Folding

    "They're just standing there, playing with a little piece of paper."

    • Instead of discarding cards from Concentrate, place them on Origami Folding.
    • When there are 5 cards on Origami Folding, you may:
      • Deal 1 Magic Damage to all Adversaries in your Zone AND
      • Force 1 Adversary in your Zone to redraw their Intent
    • Then, discard all cards from Origami Folding.


    The visions aren't always contained: sometimes they spill out, causing a mass hallucination.

    • When the High Priestess is placed on YES NO, you may also:
      • Take 1 Corruption Point
      • After drawing the top five cards of your deck, but before you place the rest of the cards on top of your deck, you may choose to place The High Priestess on top of your deck.
      • (So, just to be clear, the order there is "the cards in the order you chose" "the High Priestess" "the rest of the cards" "the cards you placed at the bottom of your deck")
      • Every other player may also perform the action of YES NO.

    Corruption Unlock:

    YES NO

    Their eyes are wide with anticipation. Their third eye is wide with malice.

    • Place the High Priestess on YES NO
    • Look at the top five cards of your deck.
      • Place any of them that you choose, shuffled, at the bottom of your deck.
      • Place the rest on top of your deck in any order.
      • Draw three cards.
    • Draw an Intent for each Adversary: this is their Intent for the turn after this one.
    • Discard the High Priestess from YES NO at the end of your turn.

    Palm Reading

    The trick with palm reading is to strike others with your palms and then read their faces.

    • Every time you draw a card:
      • If it is a 5, draw another card
      • If it is a King, do 1 Damage
      • If it is a Queen, gain 1 Shield

    Cold Reading

    "Your lifeline is short. Very short."

    • Take 1 Corruption Point to activate Cold Reading.
      • Every time you draw a card: Deal 1 Damage.

    Corruption Unlock:


    Any object, sufficiently accelerated, can become a deadly weapon.

    • Place any Wand on Ballistics
    • While there is a Wand on Ballistics, all of your Damage and Magic Damage becomes Ranged Magic Damage.
    • If an effect would target all Adversaries in the same Zone, it now targets all Adversaries.
    • Discard the card on Ballistics at the end of your turn.


    Move so fast that the world seems to stop.

    • Instead of placing it on Ballistics, you may instead place it on Astronomy and take 1 Corruption Point.
      • While there is a Wand on Astronomy, any Shield that you generate for yourself is instead generated for all Players.
      • So, if you generate 4 Shield, each Player (including yourself) gains 4 Shield this turn.

    Corruption Unlock:


    Lucky Numbers

    If you can predict the future, every number is lucky.

    • Any time a 7 is drawn, immediately gain 4 Shield.
    • Place a a 3, a 4, a 5, a 6, a 7, or an 8 on Lucky Numbers.
    • Once you've placed a numbered card on Lucky Numbers, you can't place that number again until all numbers have been placed.
    • When all six cards are on Lucky Numbers:
      • Return all cards on Lucky Numbers to your hand.
      • These count as card draws and trigger any effects that would trigger on a card draw.
      • You can not do this more than once per combat turn.

    A Mistake Will Soon Be Corrected

    Sometimes prescience comes from first-hand experience.

    • Take 2 Corruption Points to activate A Mistake Will Soon Be Corrected.
    • Any HP Damage or injuries received by Players since your last turn are undone.

    Corruption Unlock: