0 - The Fool

  • The Fool gets the Lucky ability.
  • The Fool treats "The Fool" as a true wildcard and can use it in place of any other card, in any situation.


  • luck, chance, recklessness, hoping things just work out
  • wildcards
  • clown/joker
  • the fool starts out as a joke character but their abilities snowball over time

Narrative Ability: YOLO

  • Generate a YOLO token: when the fool takes an action that is random, reckless, or foolish, they can request that the GM provide them with a narrative ability token.
  • Spend a YOLO token: the fool can request to the GM that the universe provides a hint, accident, mistake or deus ex machina to move the plot forward.

Signature Abilities:

Kitchen Sink

Concoct either an unlikely weapon or an unlikely helmet from detritus in the setting.

  • Place The Fool on the Kitchen Sink.
  • Place any card on either Unlikely Weapon or Unlikely Helmet.
  • At the end of the turn, discard The Fool.
  • Mark 3 Corruption Points on Kitchen Sink to gain No More Mister Knife Guy.

Item - Unlikely Weapon

  • You cannot play a card on Unlikely Weapon unless through the Kitchen Sink ability.
  • While there is a card on Unlikely Weapon, add +2 to damage generated by abilities.
  • If you find another Weapon, either ignore/discard that weapon or remove the card from Unlikely Weapon.
  • At the end of the day, remove the card from Unlikely Weapon.

Item - Unlikely Helmet

  • You cannot play a card on Unlikely Helmet unless through the Kitchen Sink ability.
  • While there is a card on Unlikely Helmet, add +2 to shields generated by abilities.
  • If you find another Helmet, either ignore/discard that helmet or remove the card from Unlikely Helmet.
  • At the end of the day, remove the card from Unlikely Helmet.

No More Mister Knife Guy

Where do these knives keep coming from? Why do you always seem to have one?

  • Place The Fool on No More Mister Knife Guy and take 1 Corruption Point.
  • Place any card on either Sharp Knife or Spectral Cap n' Bells.
  • At the end of the turn, discard The Fool.

Item - Sharp Knife (Weapon)

  • You cannot play a card on Sharp Knife unless through the No more Mister Knife Guy ability.
  • While there is a card on Sharp Knife, add +5 to damage generated by abilities.
  • If you find another Weapon, either ignore/discard that weapon or remove the token from Sharp Knife.
  • At the end of combat, remove the token from Sharp Knife.

Item - Spectral Cap n' Bells (Helmet)

  • You cannot play a card on Spectral Cap n' Bells unless through the No more Mister Knife Guy ability.
  • While there is a card on Spectral Cap n' Bells, add +5 to shields generated by abilities.
  • If you find another Helmet, either ignore/discard that helmet or remove the token from Spectral Cap n' Bells.
  • At the end of combat, remove the token from Spectral Cap n' Bells.


Stop fighting and just laugh for a while.

  • Place The Fool on Laughter, as well as any other Minor Arcana from your hand that you choose.
  • Remove all cards but The Fool from your deck for the remainder of the Day.
  • Deal damage equal to the numerical values of all removed cards.
  • At the end of the turn, discard The Fool.
  • Mark 3 Corruption Points on Laughter to gain Slaughter.


The laughter is growing increasingly deranged and it doesn't seem like you control it anymore.

  • Place The Fool on Slaughter, as well as one additional Minor Arcana card from your hand, and take 1 Corruption Point.
  • Remove the card from your deck permanently.
  • Deal damage equal to five times the numerical value of the removed card.
  • Slaughter can not be used more than once per day.
  • At the end of the turn, discard The Fool.


Your fighting style has been described as "unpredictable" and "lurching"

  • Place Minor Arcana cards of suit Cups or Swords on Blackjack.
  • Cards sitting on Blackjack remain there.
  • When the sum of the numerical values on the cards reaches (or exceeds) 21:
    • Discard all cards on Blackjack
    • Deal 2 Damage (Strong: 3 Damage, Weak: 1 Damage), plus one extra damage for every token on Blackjack
    • Gain 2 Shields (Fast: 3 Shields, Slow: 1 Shield), plus one extra damage for every token on Blackjack
    • Add a token to Blackjack
  • At the end of the combat, remove all tokens from Blackjack
  • Mark 3 Corruption Points on Blackjack to gain Hit Me

Hit Me

Your fighting style has been described as "brutal" and "surprising"

  • Place The Fool on Hit Me
  • Take 1 Corruption Point or discard a Justice from your hand to put 3 tokens on Blackjack
  • Discard The Fool from Hit Me

Everyone Loves a Parade

You're being extremely distracting.

  • Place any card on Everyone Loves a Parade.
  • Once a card has been placed on Everyone Loves a Parade, the next card must be either one higher than the highest card on Everyone Loves a Parade, or one lower than the lowest card on Everyone Loves a Parade.
  • (So, for example, when a 5 of Swords and 6 of Pentacles are placed on Run Away, the next card must be a 4, or 7, of any Suit.)
  • When there are 3 cards on Everyone Loves a Parade, every Adversary is forced to redraw their Intent, then discard all cards on Everyone Loves a Parade
  • Mark 3 Corruption Points on Everyone Loves a Parade to gain You're Driving Me Crazy

You're Driving Me Crazy

  • When Everyone Loves a Parade's effect triggers, you may also take 1 Corruption Point or discard a Chariot from your hand to force one adversary to discard their Intent for the turn.

Throwaway Joke

Reaching into your side pockets, you retrieve a random object that will either help or hurt: a rock, some gum, an old ticket...

  • Place any Minor Arcana on Throwaway Joke.
  • Draw the top card from the deck.
    • If it is the Tower, trigger the Tower's effect.
    • If it is a Major Arcana, nothing happens.
    • If it is a Sword, deal 3 Damage.
    • If it is a Cup, gain 3 Shields
    • If it is a Wand, deal 1 Ranged Damage.
    • If it is a Pentacle, everybody gains 1 Shield.
  • Discard the Minor Arcana, and any card drawn.
  • Mark 3 Corruption Points on Throwaway Joke to gain Surprise Twist

Surprise Twist

Reaching into your side pockets, you retrieve a random object that will either help or hurt: a very long pistol, a full-sized two-handed hammer, a car, a bomb...

  • While using Throwaway Joke:
    • If the card drawn is The Fool, The Hierophant, The Emperor, The Hermit, or The Moon, add it to your hand
    • If the card drawn is The Chariot, you may move 1 Zone and add it to your hand
    • If the card drawn is Death, deal 150 Magic Ranged Damage.
    • If the card drawn is the Wheel of Fortune, flip a coin: on a heads, deal 50 Magic Ranged Damage. On a Tails: take 1 Corruption Point.
    • If the card drawn is Judgement, deal 10 Magic Ranged Damage to all Adversaries and take 1 Corruption Point.
    • If the card drawn is The World, heal everybody's HP to full and take 1 Corruption Point.
    • If the card drawn is The Tower: take 1 Corruption Point