10 - Wheel of Fortune

wheel of fortune

Fate, Luck, Coloring With Your Cool Animal Friends, Showing Off Your New Sword, Being Able To Support An Entire Cylinder With Only Your Incredibly Tight Buttcheeks, Pat Sajak

The Wheel of Fortune means "random bullshit" and boy is this card ever covered in some random bullshit.

I've been mostly leaving out mention of the esoteric occult mythology while I talk about these cards, because if you read too much about Kabbalah your brain starts to pour out of your ears: it's sort of a syncretic mishmash of "judaism but with the rails taken off after taking a bunch of hallucinogens", astrology, alchemy, and Aleister Crowley's sleep paralysis demons. The idea is, I think, if you pile enough bad ideas together they start to look like a coherent worldview. (Any similarity to modern big-tent conspiracies involving adrenochrome and pizza is at-best accidental.)

Anyways, that's how this incredibly simple card ended up loaded down with a pile of symbols from astrology, hebrew characters, alchemical symbols, and a surprisingly thicc Anubis.

Trying to read any concrete meaning into that is a fool's game. This card is about one thing and one thing only:




The idea of the Wheel of Fortune, the Rota Fortunae, goes back thousands of years, to the point where it was already a time-worn cliché by Ancient Roman standards. King or peasant, whoever you are, you spend your life bound to the Wheel of Fortune: sometimes you're up while other people are down. Sometimes you're down while other people are up, and the turns happen entirely unpredictably.

tl;dr: Sometimes shit just happens randomly.