
Play requires one Tarot deck per player, as well as a variety of printable handouts.

These Tarot decks can be unique and interesting (if players wish to buy fancy or custom decks), but the game is planned around the standard, public-domain 78-card Rider Waite Tarot - if you do choose to use an unusual deck, make sure it has 78 cards, and if it makes any substititions for the original deck ("coins" instead of "pentacles" is common), make sure you know what they are.

The gamemaster should also have a deck of tarot cards.

The expectation is that pencils, pens, and paper are available.

The game also has printable worksheets (Printables) intended to make the game easier to run.

A Quick Guide to the Tarot Deck

There are 78 cards in a Tarot deck, and some terms you'll need to be familiar with to understand the rules of Remaining Teenagers: Zero.

The first 22 cards of the Tarot are called the Major Arcana: These are the named cards, and they're numbered 0 through 21. The Fool, The Magician, Lovers, The Tower, The Hermit, all the way through Judgement and The World.

The remaining 56 cards are called the Minor Arcana: These are 14 cards, divided into 4 suits: Swords, Wands, Cups, and Pentacles.