0 - The Fool

the fool

Fool Character Sheet


Lucky, reckless, unreliable, and full of surprises, The Fool is a wildcard, a class clown, they don't take anything seriously. When luck is on their side - and it is, more often than not - they're unstoppable, but when it's not, they're a disaster waiting to happen.

  • The Fool can treat The Fool card as a true wildcard: any card they choose, in any situation.
  • The Fool gains the Lucky ability.
  • Choose two of The Fool's Arcana Abilities.

Skill: Deus Ex Machina

Once per Day, The Fool can request a Deus Ex Machina from the GM: The universe itself intervenes to provide a hint, happy accident, fortuitous coincidence, or other stroke of unexpected luck.

Arcana Abilities

Kitchen Sink

"That's not a weapon." "It is now."

Corruption Upgrade: No More Mister Knife Guy

  • Place The Fool on Kitchen Sink
  • Place any other card on either Unlikely Weapon or Unlikely Helmet
  • At the end of the turn, discard The Fool

No More Mister Knife Guy

"... Where did you find that knife?"

Corruption Upgrade: Mark 3 Corruption Points on No More Mister Knife Guy to Unlock it.

  • Take 1 Corruption Point to activate No More Mister Knife Guy.
  • When using the Kitchen Sink, you may instead:
    • Place a card on Unlikely Weapon AND Unlikely Helmet
    • Treat the bonuses granted by each as if you were Strong and Fast.
    • Draw 2 cards.

Unlikely Helmet

A pail, a pot, a bucket, a colander, a sieve, a strainer, a helmet.

  • You cannot play a card on Unlikely Helmet except through the effect of another card.
  • While there is a card on Unlikely Helmet, add 4 (Fast: 5, Slow: 3) to Shield generated by abilities.
  • At the end of combat, discard the card on Unlikely Helmet.

Unlikely Weapon

A long wooden spoon, a rolling pin, a broom, a mop, a rake, a shovel, a sword.

  • You cannot play a card on Unlikely Weapon except through the effect of another card.
  • While there is a card on Unlikely Weapon, add 4 (Strong: 5, Weak: 3) to any non-magical Damage generated.
  • At the end of combat, discard the card on Unlikely Weapon.


Laughing while you fight is honestly a little unsettling.

Corruption Upgrade: Slaughter

  • Place The Fool on Laughter, as well as any other Minor Arcana cards from your hand that you choose
    • Sum the total value of all cards placed on Laughter.
    • Deal Ranged Magic Damage equal to double the sum.
    • Remove all cards on Laughter, except The Fool, from your deck for the remainder of the Day.
  • At the end of the turn, discard The Fool.


Nobody finds the violence funny but you.

Corruption Upgrade: Mark 3 Corruption Points on Slaughter to Unlock it.

  • When using Laughter, you may instead:
    • Take 1 Corruption Point
    • Play the Fool, but only one Minor Arcana card on Laughter
    • Remove the Minor Arcana card from your deck permanently.
    • Deal Ranged Magic Damage equal to 10 times the numerical value of the card so-removed.
    • You may not use Slaughter again this Day.


It looks like you're biding your time, but you're really just waiting for the right moment to strike.

Corruption Upgrade: Hit Me

  • Place Cups or Swords on Blackjack.
  • Cards sitting on Blackjack remain there.
  • When the sum of the numerical values of the cards on Blackjack reaches or exceeds 21:
    • Deal 3 Damage (Strong: 4 Damage, Weak: 2 Damage), plus 1 additional Damage for every face-down card on Blackjack.
    • Gain 3 Shield (Fast: 4 Shields, Slow: 2 Shield), plus 1 additional Shield for every face-down card on Blackjack.
    • Take two of the cards on Blackjack. Play them, face-down, on Blackjack.
    • Discard all remaining cards on Blackjack.
  • At the end of combat, discard all cards on Blackjack.

Hit Me

The fool, like a gong, is more effective when struck.

Corruption Upgrade: Mark 3 Corruption Points on Hit Me to Unlock it.

  • Any time you take Damage, (even if offset with your Shield), you may say "Hit Me" to the GM.
    • Draw a card from the deck.
    • If it's a Minor Arcana, play it face-down on Blackjack.
    • If it's The Tower, take 1 Corruption Point, trigger Catastrophe, and discard all cards on Blackjack.
    • If it's a Major Arcana, discard it without playing it.

Everyone Loves a Parade

You're being extremely distracting.

Corruption Upgrade: You're Driving Me Crazy

  • Place any Minor Arcana on Everyone Loves a Parade.
  • Once a card has been played on Everyone Loves a Parade, the next card must be the same numerical value as the card on Everyone Loves a Parade.
  • When there are 2 cards on Everyone Loves a Parade:
    • every Adversary is forced to redraw the Intent that they would execute this turn.
    • gain 3 Shield.
    • discard all cards on Everyone Loves a Parade.

You're Driving Me Crazy

You're such a spectacle that even your foes can't help but watch.

Corruption Upgrade: Mark 3 Corruption Points on You're Driving Me Crazy to Unlock it.

  • Take 1 Corruption Point to activate You're Driving Me Crazy.
  • While You're Driving Me Crazy is active, every time you cause all Adversaries to redraw their Intent, you may also force one Adversary to discard their Intent entirely.
  • An Adversary with no Intent will not perform an action this turn.

Throwaway Joke

Reaching into your side pockets, you retrieve a random object that will either help or hurt: a rock, some gum, an old ticket...

Corruption Upgrade: Surprise Twist

  • At the end of your turn, draw and discard the top card of your deck.
    • If it was The Tower, trigger Catastrophe.
    • If it was The Fool or The Magician, return it to the top of the deck.
    • If it was Strength, play it on Unlikely Helmet or Unlikely Weapon.
    • If it was a Major Arcana, nothing happens.
    • If it was a Sword, deal 3 Damage.
    • If it was a Cup, gain 3 Shield.
    • If it was a Wand, deal 1 Ranged Damage.
    • If it was a Pentacle, you and each of your allies gain 1 Shield.

Surprise Twist

Reaching in to your side pockets, you retrieve a random object that will either help or hurt: a very long pistol, a full-sized two-handed hammer, a car, a bomb...

Corruption Upgrade: Mark 3 Corruption Points on Surprise Twist to Unlock it.

  • While using Throwaway Joke:
    • If the card drawn was The Fool, The Magician, or any Knight or Queen, instead of discarding it you may add it to your hand.
    • If the card drawn was The Chariot, you may move 1 Zone and add it to your hand.
    • If the card drawn was Death, deal 150 Magic Ranged Damage.
    • If the card drawn was the Wheel of Fortune, draw and discard three additional cards and apply the Surprise Twist / Throwaway Joke effects to them, as well.
    • If the card drawn was Judgement, deal 10 Magic Ranged Damage to all Adversaries, and take 1 Corruption Point.
    • If the card drawn was The World, heal every Ally's HP to full and take 1 Corruption Point.
    • If the card drawn was The Tower, trigger Catastrophe and take 1 Corruption Point.

Crisis Averted

"I don't think of it as a mistake, it's more of a happy accident."

Corruption Upgrade: Happy Accident

  • In combat, when you draw any card (example: The Tower), instead of doing what you had planned with that card, you may instead take 2HP of damage and shuffle that card back into your deck without triggering any special effect associated with that card.
  • Yes, you can use this to keep Catastrophe from triggering.
  • Yes, you can use this to keep Surprise Twist from giving you Corruption points.
  • No, you can not use this to affect the outcome of an in-combat Skill Check.

Happy Accident

It looks like you stumbled, but you're actually dancing.

Corruption Upgrade: Mark 3 Corruption Points on Happy Accident to Unlock it.

  • Take 1 Corruption Point to activate Happy Accident.
    • Every other player may use Crisis Averted as if they also had it.