Injuries, Healing, and Death

When players take HP damage in combat, they recover it as soon as the combat is resolved: they might be scraped up but this is accounted for in the player's natural resilience.

However, if players hit 0HP, they immediately take a Major Injury of the GM's choice, at which point they recover 15HP. In general, the GM should pick Injuries that are thematically appropriate to the kind of damage the player has received.

Some Adversaries can give the players injuries directly, as well as certain failed skill checks: one might fail at preparing raw meat and end up with Upset Stomach, for example, or get Blinded from an Adversary with a flashbang.

Minor Injuries

Minor Injuries are inconvenient, but they're not utterly game-breaking and they'll heal on their own. You can also have lots of them! I mean, that wouldn't be very fun, but there's no reason a player can't have a Slung Arm and a Splinted Leg and be Dizzy all at the same time.


If a player receives a second Major injury while they already have a Major Injury, instead give them a Critical Injury.

Critical Injury

If a player receives a second Critical injury while they already have a Critical Injury: they die.

Using Corruption Points to Heal Injuries

At any time (including "seconds before dying") players can mark Corruption Points on their sheets to heal injuries:

  • For 2 Corruption Points, a Minor Injury can vanish entirely.
  • For 4 Corruption Points, a Major Injury can vanish entirely.
  • For 6 Corruption Points, a Critical Injury can vanish entirely.


Death is entirely optional! Players can, of course, always take more corruption to avoid this unfortunate result.

The exact rules for player death are, unfortunately, only available to the GM.

Be assured, however, that this player character will no longer remain playable.

The amount of corruption the player has taken on will be factored in.

Full Corruption

Again, exactly what happens when there are no Corruption spaces left to fill on the character sheet remains a mystery, for now (GM: It's explained in the GM's guide!), but presume that going far enough down this path will end up at a point where the character becomes no longer playable.

Eddy, and Creating a New Player Character

If a player doesn't have access to a playable character for one reason or another (Death, Full Corruption, heck, even simple unconsciousness or being trapped in a room somewhere), they can grab an Eddy. Eddy is a low-impact temporary player character designed for just such an occasion!

If the player would like to continue, with a new Player Character, they must choose a new Major Arcana.

A pod containing their player is shot on to the moon. If a NPC matching their arcana exists, that NPC is fated to die within the fortnight.