II - The High Priestess

The High Priestess gets the Wise ability. At the beginning of every combat turn, the High Priestess may look at the top card of the deck and choose whether or not to draw it.


  • duality
  • prophecy (look into your deck, tutoring cards)
  • subconscious (automatically triggering abilities)

Narrative ability: Foresight

  • The High Priestess has packed a handful of divinatory tools that actually seem to work, more often than not.
  • Their Magic 8-Ball is surprisingly accurate.
  • Their Ouija Board can be used to communicate with spirits.

Signature Abilities

All Signs Point to Yes

  • Place the High Priestess on All Signs Point to Yes
  • While the High Priestess is on All Signs Point to Yes, Threes, Fours and Fives can be used on Concentrate.
  • Discard the High Priestess from All Signs Point to Yes whenever you like.
  • When the High Priestess is discarded from All Signs Point to Yes, deal 1 Magic Ranged Damage to every Adversary.
  • Mark 3 Corruption Points on All Signs Point to Yes to gain Better Not Tell You Now

Better Not Tell You Now

  • Place The Devil on Better Not Tell You Now, and take 1 Corruption Point
  • Draw 2 cards, face-up, for each Adversary in combat.
  • When an Adversary executes their Intent, the High Priestess may choose their next Intent from the 2 face-up cards, then draw a new card for that Adversary.
  • While The Devil is on Better Not Tell You Now, all Adversaries play with their Intents visible.
  • Discard The Devil at the end of combat.


  • Place the High Priestess on YES NO
  • Look at the top five cards of the deck.
  • Place any of them that you choose, shuffled, at the bottom of your deck.
  • Shuffle the remainder and return them to the top of your deck.
  • Draw 2 cards.
  • Discard the High Priestess from YES NO
  • Mark 3 Corruption Points on YES NO to gain GOOD BYE


  • Place the High Priestess on GOOD BYE, and take 1 Corruption Point
  • All players may:
    • Look at the top ten cards of their deck.
    • Place any of them that they choose, shuffled, at the bottom of their decks.
    • Place the rest on the top of their decks in any order.
    • Draw 3 cards.
  • Discard the High Priestess from GOOD BYE

Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

  • Place a 3, a 4, a 5, a 6, a 7, and an 8 on Lucky Numbers.
  • While a number is placed on Lucky Numbers, that same number cannot be placed again.
  • When all six numbers are placed:
    • Return all cards on Lucky Numbers to your hand
    • You may not do this more than once per combat turn: if you have already activated Lucky Numbers once this turn, you may not play the sixth card in the set and trigger its ability a second or third time.
  • Mark 3 Corruption Points on Lucky Numbers to gain Wealth Without Wisdom is a Fool's Paradise.

A Mistake Will Soon Be Corrected

  • Play a straight on A Mistake Will Soon Be Corrected (5 cards of increasing value, like 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
    • Deal 7 Magic Damage to all Adversaries in your Zone
    • Gain 3 Shield
    • Discard all cards on A Mistake Will Soon Be Corrected
  • OR
  • Play a straight flush on A Mistake Will Soon Be Corrected (5 cards of the same suit, of increasing value, like 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), as well as spending 1 corruption point
    • Deal 15 Magic Damage to all Adversaries in your Zone
    • Gain 15 Shield
    • Draw 5 Cards
    • Discard all cards on A Mistake Will Soon Be Corrected

Note: any 5 Major Arcana in strict numerical order may also be used as a straight or straight flush: e.g. "High Priestess" (2), "Empress" (3), "Emperor" (4), "Hierophant" (5), "Lovers" (6)

Origami Folding

  • Instead of discarding cards from Concentrate, place them on Origami Folding.
  • When there are 8 cards on Origami Folding, you may either:
    • Look at the top three cards of the deck, place any of them that you choose at the bottom of your deck, then shuffle the remainder and return them to the top of your deck. OR
    • Look at the top card of the deck and choose whether or not to draw it.
    • Deal 1 Magic Damage to all Adversaries in your Zone.
  • Then, discard all cards from Origami Folding.
  • Mark 3 Corruption Points on Origami Folding to gain Rolling Bones.

Rolling Bones

  • Origami Folding now triggers when there are 6 cards, rather than 8.
  • Instead of discarding cards from Origami Folding, place them on Rolling Bones.
  • When there are 18 cards on Rolling Bones, gain 1 Corruption Point and discard all cards from Rolling Bones.


  • Every time you draw a card:
  • If it is a Sword, deal 1 Magic Damage.
  • Mark 3 Corruption Points on Tarot to gain Cold Reading

Cold Reading

  • Play any card on Cold Reading to disable its effect. This card can be discarded at any time.
  • Any time any player draws a Sword, deal 1 Magic Damage.
  • Any time you draw a Tower, take 1 Corruption Point.


  • Place any Wand on Ballistics.
  • While there is a Wand on Ballistics, all of your Damage becomes Ranged Magic Damage.
  • (If an damage effect targets all adversaries in the same Zone, the Ranged version of the effect can target all adversaries)
  • Discard the card on Ballistics at the end of the turn.
  • Mark 3 Corruption Points on Ballistics to gain Astronomy


  • Place any Wand on Astronomy, and take 1 Corruption Point
  • While there is a Wand on Astronomy, all of all players' Damage becomes Ranged Magic Damage.
  • Every time this causes an attack to hit an Adversary that it would not otherwise be able to hit, place a token on Astronomy.
  • Discard the card on Astronomy whenever you choose.
  • When you discard the card on Astronomy, deal Ranged Magic Damage equal to the set of tokens on Astronomy, then discard all tokens on Astronomy.