Joyeuse Division
This is the outermost ring, the "entrance" to Paradise Lua, and the place where players will spend their first few sessions.
graph TD; SURFACE["The Surface of the Moon"]; AIRLOCK["Docks, Airlock & EVA"]; CUSTOMS["Executare PortSec"]; COURT["Rikksverdet Court"]; PRISON["Holding Cells"]; CEMETARY[("Recycling Tanks")]; HOSPITAL["Misericorde Hospital"]; HUB(("The Seven-Branched Promenade")); DAYBREAK{"The Daybreak Institute"}; HOTEL["Colada Hotel Pods"]; INDUSTRIAL["Heavy Industrial Zone"]; WAREHOUSE[("Warehouse Sector")]; TRANSPORT>"Maglev Linkpoint"]; STUDIO(("Rapier Broadcasting")); LABS["Masamune Engineering"] SURFACE-->AIRLOCK; AIRLOCK-->CUSTOMS; CUSTOMS-->HUB; CUSTOMS-->PRISON; CUSTOMS-->WAREHOUSE; PRISON-->CEMETARY; HUB-->COURT; COURT-->PRISON; HOSPITAL-->CEMETARY; HUB-->HOSPITAL; HUB-->HOTEL; HUB-->DAYBREAK; HUB-->WAREHOUSE; HUB-->TRANSPORT; TRANSPORT-->WAREHOUSE; HUB-->STUDIO; WAREHOUSE-->LABS; WAREHOUSE-->INDUSTRIAL; INDUSTRIAL-->LABS; LABS-->STUDIO;
"If Joyeuse is a ring, why isn't the map donut shaped?"
This is a graph of how to get around Joyeuse Division, not an actual physical map.
(It's useful for determining how things connect, and extremely easy to modify rapidly, which is important to determine way before a finalized map is created: which is why it's what we're using while RT:0 is still in a draft format.)
The Seven-Branched Promenade actually wraps around the whole station.
A proper map will be along eventually.
- Airlock & EVA - The Fool
- Executare PortSec
- The Docks
- The Seven-Branched Promenade
- The Daybreak Institute - Five of Swords
- Colada Hotel Pods - Four of Swords
- Warehouse Sector - Seven of Swords
- Rikksverdet Court - Two of Swords
- Maglev Linkpoint - Six of Swords
- Misericorde Hospital - Ten of Swords
- Masamune Engineering - Ace, King of Swords
- Heavy Industrial Zone
- Holding Cells - Eight of Swords
- Recycling Tanks - Three of Swords
- Rapier Broadcasting - Page, Queen, Knight of Swords
- The Surface of the Moon - Nine of Swords
Things in Joyeuse tend towards a "sword" theme.
Joyeuse Division contains the ports, the police, the military-industrial complex - and, of course, The Daybreak Institute.
This part of Paradise Lua tends toward utilitarian, gunmetal gray architecture with large, clear, easy-to-read black-and-yellow signage to discourage workers from injuring themselves. It exists in varying states of disrepair, some of it rusting and ill-maintained.
The Seven-Branched Promenade is a light commercial area - nowhere near as opulent as Florin Divison's Gigamall, but sufficient for various and sundry.