Major Injury

Bleeding Out

Blood is coming out. It's not supposed to be coming out. It's supposed to be inside.

  • While you are in combat, you lose 3HP at the beginning of your turn.
  • Outside of combat, you can't use Skills except for AID.
  • A successful Hard AID (First Aid) check can downgrade this to Bandaged Wound.
  • This check can be retried.
  • After one night of rest, the player dies.
  • That's right, don't go to sleep while you're bleeding out. You need medical attention.
  • That's free medical advice.
  • Take 4 Corruption Points to instantly heal Bleeding Out.

Broken Arm

A sickening crack.

  • While you have a Broken Arm, you are Weak.
  • You can not use Strong skills.
  • If you were already Weak: now, you cannot deal non-magical damage, at all.
  • This overrides any character traits you might already have (if you were Strong, now you are Weak).
  • A successful Hard AID check can downgrade this to a Splinted Arm Minor Injury.
  • This check can be retried.
  • After two nights of rest, downgrade this to the Massive, Painful Scar Minor Injury.
  • Take 4 Corruption Points to instantly heal Broken Arm.

Broken Leg

You can't walk this one off.

  • While you have a Broken Leg, you are Slow.
  • You can not use Fast skills.
  • If you were already Slow: now, you cannot gain shields, at all.
  • This overrides any character traits you might already have (if you were Fast, now you are Slow).
  • A successful AID (First Aid) check can downgrade this to a Splinted Leg.
  • After two nights of rest, downgrade this to Massive, Painful Scar.
  • Take 4 Corruption Points to instantly heal Broken Leg.


It's only a mild traumatic brain injury.

  • While you have a Concussion, you are Foolish.
  • You can not use "Wise" skills.
  • If you were already Foolish: now, you cannot Concentrate at all.
  • This overrides any character traits you might already have (if you were Wise, now you are Foolish).
  • A successful Hard AID (First Aid) check can downgrade this to Dizzy.
  • This check can be retried.
  • After two nights of rest, downgrade this to Massive, Painful Scar.
  • Take 4 Corruption Points to instantly heal Concussion.


Everything is starting to go wrong for you.

  • While you have a Curse, you are Unlucky.
  • You can not use "Lucky" skills.
  • If you were already "Unlucky": while you're Cursed, remove all 10s and Knights from your deck, as well as The Fool and The Sun.
  • A successful Hard MISC check can downgrade this to a Minor Injury.
  • This check can be retried.
  • After two nights of rest, downgrade this to a Massive, Painful Scar.
  • Take 4 Corruption Points to instantly heal Curse.


Confusion and disorientation.

  • While you have Delerium, you are Dull.
  • You can not use "Clever" skills.
  • If you were already Dull: now, you cannot use any skills at all.
  • This overrides any character traits you might already have (if you were Clever, now you are Dull).
  • A successful Hard AID (First Aid) check can downgrade this to Confusion.
  • This check can be retried.
  • After two nights of rest, downgrade this to Massive, Painful Scar.
  • Take 4 Corruption Points to instantly heal Delerium.


Something has made you very sick.

  • Disease can not be healed without professional medical attention.
  • Any time a Five of Pentacles is drawn:
    • If in Combat: take 8HP of damage. This damage can not be offset with Shields.
    • If outside of Combat: take a Minor Injury of the GM's choice.
  • Take 4 Corruption Points to instantly heal Disease.

Heart Palpitations

Thu-thump. Thu-...thump?

  • Draw an extra card on every combat turn.
  • If this card is a Major Arcana, take 1HP of damage and discard the card.
  • If this card is a 3 of Swords, take a Critical Injury.
  • At the end of the Day, discard Heart Palpitations.
  • Take 4 Corruption Points to instantly heal Heart Palpitations.

Unresolved Trauma

Emotional damage.

  • While you have Unresolved Trauma, you are Strange.
  • You can not use "Charming" skills.
  • This overrides any character traits you might already have (if you were Charming, now you are Strange).
  • If you were already Strange: take one Corruption point at the end of every Combat.
  • A successful Hard FINAID (Empathy) check can downgrade this to Stress.
  • This check can be retried.
  • After two nights of rest, downgrade this to Massive, Painful Scar.
  • Take 4 Corruption Points to instantly heal Unresolved Trauma.