Food & Sleep

Players need to eat and sleep, every day.

Finding food and a place to sleep are going to occupy some of their time on the moonbase.

If you go a day without eating, you take 3 Corruption Points.

If you go a day without sleeping, you take 3 Corruption Points.


Some food is just always edible: like, "apples" or "boxed crackers" or "hamburgers from the food court". You can pretty much always eat apples.

Some food is inedible until prepared: like, "flour", "raw meat", or "raw eggs". These foods need to be cooked, necessitating a SHOP (culinary) check, and only becomes edible if the SHOP (culinary) check succeeds.

Eating food that isn't edible, but is still food, like raw eggs or handfuls of loose flour, count as successfully Eating but will give you the Upset Stomach Minor Injury.


If you find a place to sleep that isn't safe, you're going to trigger a (potential combat) scenario with some security bots or executare who's job it is to move itinerants along. This night's sleep won't be restful.

If you find a place to sleep that's loud, or distracting in some other way, your sleep won't be restful.

If you don't find a resful place to sleep, this counts as successfully Sleeping but will give you the Groggy Minor Injury.