
Wands are the suit of travel, adventure, and freedom.

Ace of Wands - Double Entendre

ace of wands

Stop giggling! That's not what this is! It's supposed to mean "inspiration" or "new opportunites" or something like that. You're making into a dirty joke! Anyways, while you have the thick Ace of Wands in your hand you feel very powerful. Just don't get too excited.

Two of Wands - Planning

two of wands

Making a plan for the future. Setting goals. Keeping a day-planner. Building a Gantt chart. Setting a strategic direction.

Three of Wands - Progress

three of wands

Expansion & progress. Lookin' out over your boats on their road to bring you back some capital.

Four of Wands - Festival

four of wands

Seems like the plan went well and now we're having a big ol' celebration.

Five of Wands - Fight Fight Fight!

five of wands

Everybody's hitting one another with sticks! WHOMP! POW! ZAP!

Six of Wands - Victory

six of wands

Having won the fight or competition, you get to ride high.

Seven of Wands - The Tournament

seven of wands

Challenge! Competition! It's... a lot like the Five of Wands to be honest!

Eight of Wands - Travel

eight of wands

This card is going places.

Nine of Wands - Courage

nine of wands

This is like the opposite of the Nine of Swords: Fear? Nah, this is Courage. Unflappability in the face of danger. Building a wall.

Ten of Wands - Burden

ten of wands

HOOGH. These are some heavy sticks. Ten is a lot.

Page of Wands - The Manic Pixie Dream Girl

page of wands

Inspiration! Ideas! No limits! No boundaries! A free spirit!

This person is honestly pretty fucking exhausting.

Knight of Wands - The Adventure Idiot

knight of wands

Nobody knows how this guy got a horse, himself included.

He's embroiled in some vast and ridiculous adventure of his own concoction.

He's got a lot in common with The Fool.

Queen of Wands - The Social Network

queen of wands

Courage, confidence, cat pictures. This woman is friends with everyone, a celebrity. She's at every party, she seems to know everybody and is known by everyone. At the seat of the mystery, though, is the terrible secret that she can't share with anybody: she's not actually very exciting at all.

King of Wands - The Visionary

king of wands

His big dreams actually worked out, and now it's his job to have more, bigger dreams. Which... he does.