
Pentacles are the suit of wealth. This makes the cards some of the easiest to interpret: they are, in fact, all about the Benjamins.

Ace of Pentacles - Payday

ace of pentacles

Gettin' paid. Fresh money opportunities.

Two of Pentacles - Juggling

two of pentacles

Juggling priorities, spinning plates.

Three of Pentacles - Teamwork

three of pentacles

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Four of Pentacles - Saving

four of pentacles

There isn't a lot to go around and the more you keep, the more you have.

Five of Pentacles - Poverty

five of pentacles

These children don't have rich parents, and therefore are trash, society's refuse.

Six of Pentacles - Charity

six of pentacles

Generosity greases the wheels. Today, you - tomorrow, me.

Seven of Pentacles - Growth

seven of pentacles

With some perseverance you've made a big pile of food. Nice.

Eight of Pentacles - Industry

eight of pentacles

Repetition. Mastery. Production lines. Factories.

Nine of Pentacles - Luxury

nine of pentacles

Luxury. Opulence. Marble columns. Very old wine. Expensive birds. Bad hats.

Ten of Pentacles - Inheritance

ten of pentacles

This isn't just wealth, it's generational wealth, the kind of money that doesn't just set you up, it sets up your whole family. Nobody will ever have to work again. Somebody's got to do the repetitive labour, but some of us just get to have that done on our behalf for our entire lives, and that's mostly determined by how wealthy our parents were.

Page of Pentacles - The Venture Capitalist

page of pentacles

Basically it's the Ace of Pentacles again: New financial opportunities. This one's a little more active, though: they've got money and a dream and are looking to get something profitable started.

Knight of Pentacles - Discipline

knight of pentacles

It's the four and eight of Pentacles again: Conservatism and financial discipline, but this time embodied by this guy. He's not born to wealth, he's the hard-eyed middle manager who's fought his way up from the warehouses. As a result, he's sharp and unbelievably mercenary. The rich get to live in a soft, happy world where nobody needs to get hurt, but this guy fought his way in on a black horse and some people had to get trampled on the way up the ladder.

Queen of Pentacles - The Martha Stewart / Ina Garten / Gwyneth Paltrow Triangle

queen of pentacles

This woman has taken an picture, cutting lemons, in a perfectly white kitchen with the beach barely visible in the window.

This carefully groomed image of pastoral simplicity doesn't reveal that the kitchen was staged, that every decision in this shot was carefully directed, that the image presented was worked over by a creative team to perfectly embody "pastoral simplicity".

This woman is the face of a business empire, selling the idea of perfect femininity.

King of Pentacles - The Failson

king of pentacles

His father made the empire, he just... inherited it. He has all of the power and prosperity of a vast empire, but mostly blows it on cocaine and bad ideas. He imagines himself a titan of industry, but most of what he provides is bluster.

However, the cruel hardass that built this empire still looms large in the failson's head and his heart - but the failson's cruelty is cargo cult evil, just being nasty because he thinks that's what his father would do. Lacking the wisdom to know when it's truly time to unsheathe his dagger, his betrayals are random and capricious.