The unit of currency on Paradise Lua is the "Credit".
All currency on Paradisa Lua is digital: money is tracked by external data systems.
Every character has a Bank Account containing most of their money.
Small units of currency (Less than 200 Credits) can be loaded on to small objects called "Chits". A Chit might look like a poker chip, or a small diskette.
Possession of a Chit confers ownership of the money contained within.
The Chit itself is worth 1 Credit: this is the minimum value of a Chit, as a Chit containing 0 Credits is still worth the 1 Credit that the Chit itself is worth.
Most players and NPCs have a few loose Chits on their person at all times that they can load currency on to.
Chits can also store small amounts of data: a voice clip, or a text file, for example.
Large amounts of currency can be loaded on to a larger object called a "Vault". A Vault might look like a metal suitcase with some ports on it.
There is no limit on how many regular items you can carry.
Most items weigh about a fifth of what they weigh on Earth, so weight-based carry capacity is even less of a concern on the Moon than it would be on Earth.
However, some things are Big. Objects that have a lot of volume are awkward to carry. You can only carry 1 Big object (Strong: 2, Weak: 0).
Some things just can't be carried around - like, your character can probably lift a couch, but they can't just carry a couch around with them wherever they go, because that would be very awkward and also kind of a strange thing to do.